Grade 1
8:35 – 9:00= Calendar and whole group Health
• Making choices
* Calendar
9:00-9:30 Math (Live)
• Making 100. (skip counting by 10's)
9:30-10:00= independent work time
• Catch up on any activities you weren’t able to complete this week.
* calendar math
* Do Math activity in new math booklet (Skip counting by 10s)
10:00-10:30= Math Game with Mr. Barks
10:30-11:00= Learning commons time= cancelled due to Mars week
11:00-11:30=Art LIVE –
Supplies: -You will need:
- your black piece of paper from your package
- your red piece of paper (from your package)
- scissors
- glue
- Your star stickers from your take home package
- Your baggie full of clay, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes.
11:30-11:45= Gratitude Journals